Monday, April 25, 2011

Finite Bye (Draft)

What is "infinite?"
It is everlasting.
What is "finite?"
It is "capable of being counted."*

What is "goodbye?"
It's a formal way to part.
What is 'bye?"
It's an quick informal way to part.

So therefore, what is a "finite bye?"
Is it an informal way to part that can be counted (once)?
Its basically a definite parting; once.
In reality, you don't need more than one time to say goodbye's;
Its all an unnecessary process that lingers (and you can thank your emotions).

Dear silent recipient,
who might not deserve a formal parting...

May your days be as bright as they were for Mother Theresa.
I wish you no dismay, no disarray, no disorder.
I wish nothing for you, but I don't wish you nothingness.
I wish space, I wish silence, I wish waking up from nightmares.
I wish vacuous gaps in between.

Tread along the grassy fields,
bask among the toasty sun
and the good days,
the lucky fortunes,
the feverish good times
and the the relaxing injections.

But don't tread along the quiet shadows
where my scent remains
and where my footsteps lay.
Don't bask among my golden rays,
the ones injecting in my face
the ones so far away from where I hope yours are.

Walk into that magic place, the one where you can continue to augur
your angelic prophecies.
Float among the divine queens no less than perfect
thanks to C2H5OH.

And continue to produce illusions with deceptive devices,
conjuring what your hands mold;
may your world be the one you want to optical illuse.
May your fantasy not meld with my tangibility.

*Definition on

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