Monday, February 15, 2010

The hardest thing: Impotence

If you knew how hard impotence is, you would change your ability to hesitate. It is an invisible force that serves as a barrier. It is a gag in the mouth, rope around your wrists, a weight on the soul, or a gloomy guilt on the conscience. Impotence comes in all forms. Ethics force barriers on most, but those are bearable. Self-created impotence is the most frustrating feeling in the world. It makes your eyes want to shoot out of your head, forward, if your mouth is covered shut. I'll continue this conversation at a later time...


  1. can someone avoid "self-created impotence" when everything--or most things--go wrong? i really like this one!

  2. "weight on the soul" como el peso de la vida en el corazon "It makes your eyes want to shoot out of your head" o la cabeza por los ojos :O love it Roxy...despiadadamente cierto!
