Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oldies but goodies #3 - Love, Hate, and Survival.

Written 9-16-09 @ 7:41pm Taken from a journal
The only thing worse than not having your feelings reciprocated,
is having them taken and destroyed (or run through a wood chipper).

Written 9-16-09 @ 7:43pm Taken from a journal.
You know love is dead when you go from asking for a kiss
to asking for the truth.
Because all love expires, enjoy it while its fresh.

Written 10-5-09 @ 7:07pm Taken from a journal.
If you do not understand the Earth, it will not let you survive no matter how many man-made tools you have.

Written 10-7-09 @ 9:59pm Taken from a journal.
Don't stain your soul with hatred for another human being.


  1. yeah esteeeeeeeee es mi favorito el de 1o-5-09! ♥ sisi!

  2. :'( wow...# 2 on the 16th.. soo true.

  3. "Don't stain your soul with hatred for another human being" I agree. *)
